Account Deletion
Step 1 Confirmed

You have successfully submitted your Spime Account Deletion Request. (Step 1).

Within the next 10 days we will send an email to the email address you used on Step 1, asking for your final confirmation. Please monitor your inbox and Spam folders accordingly.

Once you receive our message, please respond to it (Step 3) so that we can proceed with your account’s deletion.

If in the meantime you have changed your mind and do not wish any more to proceed with your Spime account’s deletion, you do not need to take any further action.

A reminder of steps required for Spime Account Deletion follows:

Summary of steps required for account deletion:

  • Step 1: Submit the form below.
  • Step 2: We will send you an email message asking for your final confirmation.
  • Step 3: Confirm your request by responding to our email sent on #2 above.
  • Step 4: Your account will be purged within 30 days following your final confirmation (step #3).